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Study Spaces

Just looking for an open seat in the library? Check out what areas are available here.

For more specific requirements like a group room or where is the quiet spaces, consult the apprpriate section below.


The 1st, 2nd and 4th floor of Library North, and the 5th floor of  Library South are designated as group study space. Talking and group work is permitted in these areas of the Library. Those who deal well with background sound are welcome to study solo here as well.

Group Study Rooms are also available for students who need to work collaboratively. Reserve using an option below.


There are two Quiet Study floors in the library, the 4th floor in Library South and the 3rd floor Library North. Please keep noise to a minimum. Cell phones must be turned off when entering this area.

Study Room Reservations

Reservations are meant to help maximize academic and study-related actives within the library. Rooms may only be reserved by currently enrolled CSUF students, faculty and staff.  A confirmation email with a reservation number will be sent after the reservation is successfully completed. This reservation number will be used to confirm a reservation for the desired time. If you have any questions regarding these rooms please see the circulation desk located on the first floor south of the library or call (657)278-2721.

Make a Study Room Reservation

**** Any groups observed in violation of the above described rules and/or the  Pollak Library Code of Conduct may be asked to leave. ****


Study Room Policies

  • Students can reserve rooms up to 3 times per week.
  • Reservations can be made up to 2 weeks in advance.
  • If there are still openings, reservations can be made up to 1 hour after the start time.
  • All room reservations are for a 3 hour period of time or until library closes, whichever is shorter. (7am-10am, 10am-1pm, 1pm-4pm, 4pm-7pm, 7pm-10pm and 10pm-12am)
  • During the 24/7 finals week (last two weeks of a semester) study rooms will be reserved daily from 5am-6am for cleaning. Occupants will be asked to leave during this time.
  • Groups of 2 or more will require a 2nd  campus wide ID number (CWID).
  • Outstanding library fines and campus blocks may result in the inability to reserve a room.
  • Study rooms are intended for academic and study-related purposes only.
  • Study room doors are to remain unlocked at all times.
  • Blocking of doors and covering windows is unsafe and not allowed.
  • Due to safety concerns, large personal items, including appliances and bedding, are not allowed. The library reserves the right to determine what is acceptable.
  • Study rooms are not sound proofed and groups should exercise consideration for other library users and avoid excessive noise.
  • Personal items are to be  never  to be left alone.
  • Rooms that are unoccupied/unreserved are available for use until a person or group shows up with a valid confirmation email with a reservation number.